
Thursday, July 26, 2007

what is leather material?

Leather is a material is highly aeisthetic and which is created through the tanning of hides and skins of animals, primarily cattlehide. The tanning process converts the putrefiable skin into a durable, long-lasting and versatile natural material for various uses.

Leather technology involves little bit complecated but interesting technolgy since it is a combination of chemical engineering,biotechnology,process engineering etc.

Leather is an important material with many uses for example we can make leather goods,footwear materials,garments,upholstery etc. Together with wood, leather formed the basis of much ancient technology. The leather industry and the fur industry are distinct industries that are differentiated by the importance of their raw materials. In the leather industry the raw materials are by-products of the meat industry, with the meat having higher value than the skin. The fur industry uses raw materials that are higher in value than the meat and hence the meat is classified as a by-product. Taxidermy also makes use of the skin of animals, but generally the head and part of the back are used. Hides and skins are also used in the manufacture of glue and gelatin.

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